Connor is practicing for when he is rich and famous. He no longer has friends, they are now "my peoples". I don't know why he switched over. He's a funny kid.
The other day abby touched him and her fingers were wet. He said "abby! don't wipe your fingers on me! I'm not a napkin, i'm connor"
I'm am trying to teach him he can't run around naked, cause he loves to! The other day he was hanging out on the couch fully undressed. I said "AHHH! I can see your bum!" Connor said "No, you love it"
Whenever they are playing in thier room and i stick my head in to check on them connor will say "just nothing mom" I guess he knows my question i usually ask is "what are you doing in there?" Now he just answers without me asking.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The past three nights Connor has been sleeping without a diaper. YES!!! The first night he slept all night. The second night he didn't get his jammies off in time (atleast it wasn't in his bed). The third night (last night) he got up and went and then stayed up and read a book in the front room. I heard him going through the fridge and got him some warm milk and then he went to sleep! Not ideal but definatly good! Now if we could just get abby to go in the potty instead of on the carpet we'd be set!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The rules are:
* Link to the person who tagged you ....(i'm not sure how to do links) Beth
*Post the rules on your blog
* Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted
1. I spell out words in my head after i think/say/see them. I usually have to do it about 5 times before i am satisfied.
2. It takes me hours to fall asleep if brock isn't in bed with me.
3. I enjoy watching the shows my kids watch
4. I could eat waffles for dinner every night.
5. i'm afraid to try new foods
6. I either don't dream or have really weird, strange dreams
* Link to the person who tagged you ....(i'm not sure how to do links) Beth
*Post the rules on your blog
* Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted
1. I spell out words in my head after i think/say/see them. I usually have to do it about 5 times before i am satisfied.
2. It takes me hours to fall asleep if brock isn't in bed with me.
3. I enjoy watching the shows my kids watch
4. I could eat waffles for dinner every night.
5. i'm afraid to try new foods
6. I either don't dream or have really weird, strange dreams
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Orem Softball
Brock's softball team, Supermen, won the Orem city softball tournament! It was really exciting to watch. My sister, steph, was kind enough to watch the kids so I could watch the games. They played from six until 10. The last two games were the same team. The team was the best of the best and brock's team was the best of the not-so-best (losers) and they had to beat them twice in a row! I guess that makes Supermen the best of the best! Way to go guys!! Although, us wives decided that we need to do a girls team and let the guys chase the kids all season!!!

I'm still trying to figure out how to take good night pictures with my camera. One day, one day....
Today connor says to abby, "So, we are going to take your bed apart and make a bridge." Then he asks me if they can. I say yes and he is shocked because I never say yes but needed a little break. I just thought it was cute how he told her.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Jumpin Jacks
Thanks to my cousin Lauren's blog I heard about Jumpin Jacks. It was really affordable for us cause 3 and under is $5 and Parents are $5 and we had a $2 off coupon for four people. The kids loved it and so did we. It was so much fun and not crowded at all. We went on a saturday so I was worried it would be but luckily it wasn't.

There was a group of kids who had a blast linking arms and going down with Brock. It was fun to watch.

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tracy Aviary
They loved feeding the birds!

Connor said "He has crazy hair!" Sometimes abby's looks like this after a nap!

Brock had yesterday morning open so we took the kids over to Tracy Aviary. The kids really enjoyed it and it was perfect weather. It was nice because both our kids are free and we were only $5 each. Not a bad activity!
Connor was so good! If we lingered longer than he wanted he just found a seat. Such a cute boy! At one point abby decided to be a puppy. Not sure why but still so cute!

Connor said "He has crazy hair!" Sometimes abby's looks like this after a nap!

Brock had yesterday morning open so we took the kids over to Tracy Aviary. The kids really enjoyed it and it was perfect weather. It was nice because both our kids are free and we were only $5 each. Not a bad activity!
Connor was so good! If we lingered longer than he wanted he just found a seat. Such a cute boy! At one point abby decided to be a puppy. Not sure why but still so cute!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Our life as of late.....
Life around the Roberts house has been a little crazy. We sold my car but unfortunatly brock's car ended up in the shop so we ended up borrowing his mom's car for what we thought would be a few days. Well, a computer, four belts, and a water pump later the original problem we took it in for is still not fixed and we have had his mom's car for three weeks now. Our tub drain has been clogged which makes life tough since my kids take at least one bath a day (they call it swimming, "mom, lets go swim"), our internet is being really spaztic lately. It keeps longing off and then logging itself back on. Really frustrating since brock needs the internet to write his policys. So today i finally got a hold of a tool that allowed me to clean out the drain. I hope this is the begining of good luck for us!!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
I was attacked.....
My awesome brothers!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Yesterday the kids were in the bathtub. I left the room to get thier towels and came back to find that connor had taken the bottom of thier little potty, filled in with bath water, and poured it all over the floor. It was flooded! It took every towel we had minus the one i saved to dry them both off. Luckily it didn't get on the carpet and nothing was ruined! Oh my children!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
When Brock participated in Springville Survivor he was on the Far West BAnk team. They held a little party this last Saturday and even though Brock doesn't work there they were kind enough find Brock's number and let him know. They held it at Springville pool and we all had a blast! After finally putting his head in the water connor spent the rest of the time jumping of the side of the pool and eventually the diving board (with a life jacket and brock right there in the water to help him) Abby wanted to jump off the diving board but didn't have a life jacket.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Flaming Gorge
Abby and Dad. She got right in and loved it!
Playing in the water. Connor wasn't to sure about getting in.
Abby loved jumping to dad.
Abby fell asleep in the rocks. I asked her if she was tired and wanted to take a nap and she laid down and seriously two seconds later was asleep! She slept there for about and hour.
Monday, August 4, 2008
I haven't posted in a LONG time. So here is a condensed version of the last weeks. We finally moved! We have been with my parents for about two years and finally got on our feet and found a place we could afford. It has definatly been an adjustment. Connor didn't like staying there and wanted to go "home" all the time. We moved abby from a crib to a toddler bed so she has been harder to get to sleep and if she wakes up in the night she wonders the apartment. So the first week was little sleep. I think they are finally getting use to it because i have been getter more sleep. A week later we went to flaming gorge with some family and friends. It was a blast. I got super sunburned cause i am dumb but it still rocked! (pictures to come) The week after gorge i spent finishing up the apartment. So we are finally back to what normal our life is.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Last night
Last night went well with connor in underware. He slept all night with no accident again! Yes!!! He woke up and came in with me for a little while then went downstairs to his little potty and went potty! I am really liking this. Also, around dinner time my mom noticed that connor's eyes were goopy, sadly at the doctors today we found out he has pink eye in both eyes and an ear infection! Yuck! Poor little guy. He is really brave though, he doen't even act as if it bothers him. He just keeps on going! What a trooper. I really wish i had his energy and determination to not let it get him down. When i am sick it wipes me out! Way to go Connor! You rock!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sleeping in underware
Last night connor fell asleep in my arms while watching a movie! I was in heaven! One of my favorite things is when my kids fall asleep in my arms. Something which has not happened in a very long time. Now it is a huge routine mess to get naps in and later bed time! Anyway, i took him upstairs and laid him down. I was intending to go in later when he was in a deeper sleep and replace his underware with a pull-up. I forgot until this morning when i heard brock telling connor how great it was that he slept all night in underware and didn't pee the bed. I was so happy!!!! I am a little scared to try again for fear he will tonight. I guess this is where plastic comes in handy. Well, wish me and connor some luck tonight!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The rest of survivor

It was a really awesome weekend! They spent a few hours in the canyons. They ran to find envelops in the tall weeds, broke the tiles they painted, balanced on a v shaped brick, and other things. Then that night we went to the Arts park where we found out Brock's team won and brock got to move on. The final 6 ate red peppers with hot sauce, bobbed for barbie parts then had to put them together, dug through pudding for coins, eat pickeled pigs feet, sardines, and then drank clam juice. Brock came in second by a second. It was so close. Way to go Brock!!!
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