I stole this idea from some of my friends who are doing it! I thought it was a great idea. I didn't get a newborn photo but I am going to take a photo of Paul next to this bear every month until his first birthday. Then I think i will take one every year until he wont let me anymore. I think it will be a fun way to measure him growing.
Paul at 1 month

At 1 mth he is rolling from his back to his tummy. Most of the time he doesn't want his binky and makes a face like you just tried to put the most disgusting thing ever in his mouth. When he cries he says "wah" and when he tries to talk he says "who". He is a great baby. He only cries when he is hungry and fusses for about an hr each night right before bed. I read that a lot of babies have a fussy time and that usually goes away at about 4mths. He sleeps really well at night.